Call us 2000 1131, 6763 1163

Currency exchange in cash



Main currencies

  Sign Buy Sell  
USD USD 1.0453 0.9795


RUB RUB 105.5000 95.5150


SEK SEK 13.1100 11.4395


NOK NOK 14.9975 11.6795


GBP GBP 0.8565 0.8265


Kõik valuutakursid

Prices in the world market

  Sign Buy Sell  
EUR USD EUR - USD 1.0255 1.0254


EUR GBP EUR - GBP 0.8400 0.8396


EUR RUB EUR - RUB 105.5249 105.5159


All prices in the world market

Options for exchanging currency in cash

Our exchange rates are better than in banks. If banks are changing up to ten main currencies, then we have in the list of currencies almost 50 different choices. Our list of currencies includes several popular and exotic travel destinations such as the Thai baht, Sri Lankan rupee, Egyptian pound, etc.

Although that our offices are usually supplied with popular currencies, we kindly ask you to contact us before purchasing exotic currencies or large sums of common currencies. You can also exchange foreign coins in Eurex and the rates we offer are the best in Latvia.

Good rates guaranteed

We guarantee some of the the best exchange rates if the amount exceeds 750 €. Please contact us +371 6763 1163 ; +371 2000 1131


We are buying the largest variety of foreign coins in Latvia. We keep our selection for foreign coins large ders and we wish to offer favorable rates for them.


According to the Current Law that prevents money laundering of the assets that were gained illegally or gained from financing terrorism when bying or selling currency that equals or exceeds 1500 euros the currency exchange office is required to identify that client and make income analysis. It means that the client needs to produce an identification document. Clients also need to fill out a personal data form in the case of certain transactions. Please speak to a cashier or call us on +371 6763 1163 ; +371 2000 1131 for more information.
